
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Quarter Life Crisis

The Quarter Life Crisis... I've seen multiple friends go through it and stress over it, I just never thought I would have to go through it, or at least not any time soon. But here I am, about to start my last semester of college on Monday and freaking out about what I will be doing when I graduate. Of course there's graduate school or the option to go straight into the work force or find something else that will help me prolong my time before I have to go into the "real world." 

I've been going through my options for months. I would love to do Environmental Law and go to law school but right now, it's not an immediate option. I still plan on pursuing this within the next year or two but I need to find an immediate option ASAP. 

I know I'm not the only person in the position of having a sub-par GPA and little to no experience in my field. We should start a support group or something.Yes, I can get a full-time job when I graduate. But I don't want just any job. I love the environmental field and I want to pursue my career within it. 

So for now, I will be completing my internship and my last semester of school and applying to jobs like crazy. And jobs all around the country because I am definitely not opposed to relocating. I'll also be talking to everyone I've ever met to see if they know or know someone who knows a person in my field that can help me obtain a job. 

For tonight, this was my view. Sitting in a small, distraction-free bookstore/coffee shop, Burlingham Books in the town of Perry, NY, right outside of Letchworth State Park, and applying for jobs. I'm hoping with all this work and research, something will eventually fall into place for me. And I'm sure it will.

"Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to." - Henry van Dyke

[name inspired by my good friend Rachel's blog at]

Notice my West Seneca West mug. Clearly I am in denial about the fact that it's been nearly 4 years since graduation.


  1. Hang in there girly, we'll all figure it out eventually!

  2. And thanks again for the shout out!

  3. Super stressful time! So glad to hear you wouldn't mind relocating. I swear I'm so happy I did decided to move away for a few learn so much being on your own.

  4. 100% agree with Kari. My time away wasn't long enough but it was the best decision of my life thus far and one of the best years of my life. At 22, no one I feel is ready to be thrown out into the real world, not to be very successful at least. I originally did not want to immediately continue my graduate studies after under grad but am happy I did for two reasons. One, who knows when or if I ever would have actually went back for it. I was already in school mode and the timing was there. Two, the real world is not a nice place. I am glad I prolonged entering it for as long as possible, because paper, exams and 8 am class is much better than having no choice but to wake up and go to work every morning regardless of your mental state and having an entry level position that pays shit and being expected to pay not only all your living expenses on that, but your dreadful student loans.
